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Volunteer News > Thank You, ALL!!!!
Thank You, ALL!!!!

Dec 16, 2015

Since we opened our doors on January 28th of 2014, we have cared for 872 animals. As a private no kill shelter, we do not give up on any animal. We don’t accept defeat until there is no hope left, and we pour our hearts into the care we give them. ‘We’ is not made up of just those of us who work at Pima Paws for Life- WE is YOU.

As a shelter that focuses on taking in dogs and cats with health problems, we have cared for animals with everything from mild upper respiratory infections to pneumonia, distemper, and parvo virus. We have tackled skin issues from ringworm to the non-healing wounds of vasculitis and MRSP. Dental disease, tumor removals, and prolapsed uterus are a few of the things that we have needed to treat surgically. Valley Fever is an ever-present problem here in Tucson, and we have had many dogs come through that have needed long term treatment.

As we near the end of 2015, I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported Pima Paws for Life; you have allowed us to give many dogs and cats a chance to heal and have a better life.
Our volunteers have shown our animals love and kindness. They have come rain or shine, cuddled with our cats and walked our dogs, manned events and off site adoptions. They have celebrated the successes, and cried with us over the losses.

Our donors are the people who make it possible for Pima Paws for Life to exist. Without them, our doors would close. For every $5 donation and bag of dog food and the free services donated, we are extremely grateful for their continuous generosity.

Our fosters have taken one or more of our animals into their homes. They have opened their hearts to a soul in need, to care for as their own. Sometimes it’s for a short time, others much longer. Some of the animals they take in are healthy and young; some just need a place to rest for a short time until they make their journey to the Rainbow Bridge. Their selflessness is amazing.

All of our employees have shown their compassion for the dogs and cats by showing up on their days off to spend time with them, by fostering, and by donating to improve the lives of those in their care. Their work is far more than just a job for them.

Dr. Erin O’Donnell and her staff at Northwest Pet Clinic have been fantastic, coming to the shelter every week to examine animals, and getting them into their clinic on a moment’s notice whenever one of them has needed immediate care, and providing hospitalization when necessary. They are truly our partner, and provide our animals with the very best medical care.
Sol.DOG Canine Services has been invaluable, helping make some of our most troubled dogs become balanced companions.

Special thank you to Paws Up! for allowing some of our healthy, high energy dogs to come and play; they love it!

Thank you also to Cactus Canine Center for holding free classes for our volunteers to take our dogs to, so our pups can learn good manners on leash.

Pet Doctor has provided great altering and dental care service for our dogs and cats once they are healthy, the last step needed before their adoption.
We thank Andra of Andra's Animal Reiki for supporting our pets through their recovery.

We thank the local rescues and shelters that have chosen to collaborate with us to save lives, and are grateful for their dedication to the animals in our community.

Our awesome adopters provide the final, critical piece of the puzzle- providing the loving homes that all of these animals deserve. You are wonderful!

Thank you ALL- from those who are in the trenches every day, to those who help network and fund raise. Together, we ARE making a difference. From all of us at Pima Paws for Life, we wish you Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year! - Kimberley




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